
Service Level Agreement Terms


  • 99.5% uptime per month, measured over a rolling one (1) month period, exclusive of scheduled maintenance (planned downtime), system upgrades, and unavailability caused by circumstances beyond Cloud Payments’s reasonable control.


  • Support may be directly provided through the standard access channels of telephone, email and chat requests to a Help Desk facility, and indirectly via the Internet through the StickyStreet website, knowledgebase, wikis, discussion forums, blogs, and Services documentation. Cloud Payments will respond to any Support inquiries within 24 business hours except where notice is specific to a severity 1 or site unavailable notification. In the instance of an unplanned outage, response will be immediate , and remedied in a timely manner using all commercially reasonable efforts to reinstate the Services, and wherever practicable within two (2) hours of the support contact, provided that all necessary information is provided at the time of initial contact. Cloud Payments will provide normal support service to the contract customer between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm central.

Scheduled Maintenance:

  • Cloud Payments generally performs maintenance between the hours of 10:00pm and 2:00am US central time.

Reasonable Access Policy:

  • This is a shared platform environment. License does not give right to perform intrusion or load testing without prior permission, as it can affect everyone else. Data access and request load must not exceed 20%  of allowable maximum monthly. If this limit is regularly exceeded after notices have been sent and not action taken to reduce load or upgrade license, the account may be suspended in order to maintain quality of service to other tenants.


Trademark Usage Guidelines


The trademarks of Cloud Payments, Inc. are used in connection with products and services worldwide to signify the quality and excellence for which Cloud Payments is known.  Cloud Payments has obtained valuable rights through proper and continuous use of its trademarks.  Adherence to the following usage guidelines will help to maintain the integrity of our brands and preserve their value.

What is a trademark?                             

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, device, design or phrase adopted and used by Cloud Payments to identify its goods and services and to distinguish them from the goods and services of others.  Trademarks, otherwise known as brands, are usually marked with either a ™ or an ® symbol (a ™ designates an unregistered trademark and an ® designates a registered trademark).  View the Cloud Payments Trademark List. While these lists generally refer to trademarks used in the United States, some trademarks may also be used and registered internationally.

Referential Trademark Usage

You may use Cloud Payments trademarks to refer to Cloud Payments products in marketing and promotional literature, print materials and other media provided that:

  • You adhere to these trademark usage guidelines
  • You do not disparage Cloud Payments or Cloud Payments products and services
  • You do not imply a relationship or association with Cloud Payments that does not exist
  • You use appropriate notice on all trademarks and a footnote indicating that the trademark(s) is owned by Cloud Payments, Inc.

General Trademark Usage Guidelines

Use appropriate markings.  Always designate the trademark with the appropriate ™ or ® symbol.  Also, the first usage or most prominent usage of a Cloud Payments product name should be preceded by the Cloud Payments master brand in the same type size, font and color and used on the same line

Use Cloud Payments trademarks as adjectives.  A trademark is an adjective that modifies a noun.  Always use Cloud Payments trademarks as adjectives that describe the generic product.

Attribute ownership of Cloud Payments trademarks to Cloud Payments.  When you refer to a Cloud Payments trademark, please include a notice of trademark attribution where appropriate on all labeling, print collateral or other media (e.g. Cloud Payments and Cloud Payments Logo are trademarks of Cloud Payments, Inc.)

Logos.  You may not use any Cloud Payments logos without a trademark license from Cloud Payments.  All usage of trademark logos shall be pursuant to these guidelines and any other guidelines applicable to that particular logo.  Please contact Cloud Payments if you are interested in a license to use a Cloud Payments logo or you require further guidance on proper trademark usage.


  • Cloud Payments®
  • Mvault®
  • CloudEntertainment®
  • MGlobalExchange®
  • ShowroomingBuster®
  • MobilizingABetterFuture®
  • StickyStreet®
  • SKYWallet™
  • CloudRX™
  • TheCloudPaymentNetwork™
  • EnterpriseCloudPaymentNetwork™
  • MoTEAF™
  • MGX™
  • BringYourOwnMobile™
  • MobileVault™
  • CloudBillPay™
  • CloudRemittance ™